Facts About Ark Hotel in China That Floats on Water

The floating Ark Hotel in China is designed to rest on the surface of a body of water, providing a self-sustaining environment for its guests. The Ark Hotel China is one of the most marvelous floating hotels in the world, with its creative design serving many purposes.

The Ark Hotel is a unique, dome-shaped structure built with wooden arches, steel cables, and plastic layers. The frame is enclosed by a special foil called ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), which is a strong, metal-like sheet that is routinely cleaned, durable, recyclable, economically efficient, and lighter than glass. ETFE also functions as a solar collector to heat water and includes canals to collect rainwater from the rooftop.

The shell-shaped Ark Hotel in China is designed to withstand tidal waves, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. One of the most unique hotels in China, the floating Ark Hotel operates on the surface of the water even during extreme conditions. It features a load-bearing system of arches and cables within its shell-inspired design, which maintains weight distribution to endure such disasters.

The inner garden of the Ark Hotel incorporates a significant amount of vegetation, creating a lush escape for guests and functioning as a greenhouse. Adequate light is filtered into the inner rooms, reducing the need for artificial lighting.

The concept for the Ark Hotel China was designed by the Russian architectural firm Remistudio in collaboration with the International Union of Architects under its program “Architecture for Disaster Relief.” Regardless of the challenges, the floating Ark Hotel China offers an exceptional experience, being able to float on water as the level rises.

The design of the floating Ark Hotel also includes photovoltaic solar cells, a rainwater collection system, and a framework protected by a self-cleaning layer to provide power and water to its inhabitants.

The Ark Hotel encompasses 151,000 square feet of living space, which would cost approximately the same as building an energy-efficient house. Its stunning design resembles something straight out of a science fiction film. The floating Ark Hotel China is so remarkable that it seems unbelievable until seen in person. It is considered one of the best hotels in the world for adventure trips.

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